My name is Oleni Anitoni. I am an aspiring videographer and content creator. I knew early on in my life that my interests were around story telling. I am from a culture where almost all of our history and traditions were passed down orally. I know that my passion to document these memories go further than just creating content. I’ve come to realize that this is my purpose. To further the knowledge and history of our people.
When I was young, I came across an old documentary film about traditional mid wives and the pre natal care for women. It drew my interest because the documentary was covering the traditional healers of Tonga. This is where my family originates from. As I watched this film, an older woman appeared on the screen. She looked very familiar to me, but I knew I’ve never met her. As she was speaking, the name appeared on the screen. I found out quickly that she was my grandmother. I’ve never met her in my lifetime. I cherished that moment. To be able to see a video of her smiling and speaking from a documentary that was filmed before I was born, made my heart full. I knew then how priceless these kinds of memories are.
When I was young, I came across an old documentary film about traditional mid wives and the pre natal care for women. It drew my interest because the documentary was covering the traditional healers of Tonga. This is where my family originates from. As I watched this film, an older woman appeared on the screen. She looked very familiar to me, but I knew I’ve never met her. As she was speaking, the name appeared on the screen. I found out quickly that she was my grandmother. I’ve never met her in my lifetime. I cherished that moment. To be able to see a video of her smiling and speaking from a documentary that was filmed before I was born, made my heart full. I knew then how priceless these kinds of memories are.
Pictured above: Losaline Hameti Vaiokiu Anitoni (my grandmother who was featured in the documentary) caring for an expecting mother in Vava’u, Tonga.
Source: Kau Faito'o: Traditional Healers of Tonga.
Source: Kau Faito'o: Traditional Healers of Tonga.
Pictured above: The reason why The Dream is alive. My beautiful wife Sidney. We started this company because it has so much meaning to us. We will never forget our reasons why. We know our purpose. If we can help just one person, our hearts will be full.